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Insights & Reporting

Vergo Hub: Our comprehensive customer pest MI portal, providing detailed pest control reports and realtime alerts.

Vergo Hub on Screen

Here are some of the key features that make Vergo Hub the ultimate pest management solution:

  • Real-Time Information
    Vergo Hub allows you to access pest control MI and data in real-time, you’ll be able to stay up to date on pest activity as it happens. This means you’ll be able to quickly identify any potential pest issues and take proactive measures to prevent them from becoming larger problems.
  • Multi-Site Functionality
    If you manage multiple sites, Vergo Hub’s multi-site functionality makes it easy to manage your entire portfolio from one central location. You’ll have access to data and reports for all your locations, making it easy to identify trends and take action as needed.
  • Pest Activity Trends
    Vergo Hub tracks pest activity trends over time, providing you with insights into how effective your pest management plan is. This will help to identify problem areas and so that proactive measures can be taken to prevent pest infestations from occurring.
  • Service Performance Dashboard
    With Vergo Hub’s intuitive dashboard, you can easily track the performance of your pest management plan. You’ll have access to key metrics, such as the number of pests caught, service history, and upcoming visits, all in one convenient location.
  • MI Data Including Housekeeping & Proofing Recommendations
    Our platform also provides you with MI data, including housekeeping and proofing recommendations. This helps you take preventative measures to reduce the risk of pests entering your facility in the first place.
  • Visit Reports with Detailed Photographs
    After each visit, our pest control technicians will upload detailed reports with photographs of the work completed and any issues identified. This gives you a clear picture of what’s going on at your facility.
  • Access to Relevant H&S Information
    Vergo Hub also provides you with access to relevant health and safety information. This includes insurances, accreditation certificates, material safety data sheets, COSHH risk assessments, and other documentation, helping you stay compliant with regulations or audits.
  • Customisable Reporting
    We know that every business is different, which is why we’ve made it easy to customise your pest management reports. Whether you need to see data on specific pests, areas of your facility, or time frames, you’ll be able to generate reports that meet your unique needs.
  • 24/7 Access
    Vergo Hub is available 24/7, so you can check on the status of your Vergo pest management contract whenever you need to, and from anywhere in the world with internet connection! This gives you peace of mind and ensures that you’re always on top of any potential pest issues.
  • Environmentally Friendly Paperless Portal
    We’re proud to offer an eco-friendly, paperless portal that helps reduce our environmental impact. With Vergo Hub, you’ll be able to access all of your pest management data and reports online, reducing the need for paper documents.

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0344 335 0330

Safe and cost-effective pest removal and prevention solutions

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