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July 30, 2024

The Pesky Problem with Files

Why are they so annoying, and how do they impact a commercial kitchen?

Flies – those tiny, buzzing nuisances that always seem to appear at the most inconvenient times and can disrupt even the most serene environments. While their presence can be a minor inconvenience in everyday settings, in a commercial kitchen, flies transform from mere annoyances to significant health hazards.

Understanding why flies are so bothersome, and their impact on commercial kitchens can help develop strategies to get rid of flies and to help keep them at bay.

The Annoyance Factor

Flies are universally irritating for several reasons:

  1. Transmission of Harmful Pathogens: Flies naturally come into contact with various items and surfaces, such as decaying food, bodily fluids, and faeces. This behaviour can result in the transmission of harmful pathogens, leading to foodborne illnesses such as Salmonella, E. coli, typhoid, and other serious conditions that can cause food poisoning.
  2. Constant Buzzing: The persistent buzzing sound created by their wings is a major distraction and can quickly become aggravating.
  3. Erratic Movement: Flies have rapid and unpredictable flight patterns, making them challenging to swat or capture, adding to their annoyance.
  4. Physical Contact: Flies often land on people, causing discomfort and a sense of uncleanliness.
  5. Persistence: Once flies find a food source, they are relentless in their attempts to access it, making them hard to deter.

The Impact on a Commercial Kitchen

In a commercial kitchen, the presence of flies goes beyond mere irritation; they pose serious health risks and operational challenges, therefore knowing how to get rid of flies should be a priority for any business:

  1. Health Risks: Flies are known carriers of various pathogens, including Salmonella, E. Coli, and Shigella. They pick up these bacteria from decaying matter, faeces, and other contaminated sources, transferring them to food and kitchen surfaces.
  2. Food Contamination: When flies land on food, they can dedicate, regurgitate, and leave behind bacteria-laden footprints. This contamination can lead to foodborne illnesses, putting customers at risk and damaging the establishment’s reputation.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Health and safety regulations require commercial kitchens to maintain a hygienic environment. The presence of flies can result in failed health inspections, fines, and even temporary closure of the business.
  4. Customer Perception: Visible flies in a dining or kitchen area create a negative impression. Customers associate flies with poor hygiene and unsanitary conditions, which can put off repeat business and damage the establishment’s brand.
  5. Operational Disruption: Flies can distract kitchen staff, affecting their concentration and efficiency. Efforts to control and eliminate flies can also divert time and resources away from core kitchen activities.

Effective Fly Control Strategies

Given the significant impact flies can have on a commercial kitchen, it is essential to implement robust fly control measures:

  1. Sanitation: Maintain a rigorous cleaning schedule to eliminate food debris, spills, and waste that attracts flies. Ensure all rubbish bins are sealed and emptied regularly.
  2. Exclusion: To prevent flies from entering the kitchen, install fly screens on windows and doors, use fly strip curtains and air curtains, and ensure doors are closed when not in use.
  3. Pest Control Solutions: Work with a professional pest management company to implement regular monitoring and treatment plans. This can include the use of electric fly killers and ULV fogging.
  4. Food Storage: To minimise exposure to flies, keep food covered and stored properly. For perishables, use airtight containers and refrigeration.
  5. Employee Training: Educate staff on the importance of fly control and proper cleaning practices. Encourage immediate cleaning of any spills and waste disposal.

Flies are a nuisance, and they can have a huge impact on a commercial kitchen. Vergo Pest Management has a number of methods available to help you control the risk of fly infestations in your commercial kitchen. Don’t let flies rule your kitchen; contact us online or on 0344 335 0330 to learn more about how we can help.

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